Hot Potato Appreciation

Reminding ourselves of what we appreciate allows us to think about what it would be like if we did not have it. Many young children and even adults say they appreciate their technology and digital devices. Aside from technology, think about all the things you are thankful for in your life. Some examples are mom, dad, grandparents, school, teachers, and great friends. In this activity, participants will toss around a round object that represents the “hot potato” that is too hot to hold or handle. Each person who catches the object must share who or what they appreciate and quickly toss the object to another player. To make this activity more exciting and engaging, family members can add claps or chants during the activity as the object gets tossed around.

Create a Life’s Purpose Collage

A sense of purpose can help children and teens feel more optimistic about the future and believe in themselves when faced with challenges. What exactly is purpose? Purpose involves far-reaching goals that could benefit not just oneself but others as well. Meeting a life challenge, mastering a skill, building something big, or finishing a project can all contribute to a sense of purpose. In this activity, you and your child will strengthen your sense of […]

Never Have I Ever…

In this activity, you and your family will think about things you’ve never experienced. Think about things that you have never done, but someone in your family might have done. For example, has someone in your family been stung by a bee while you have not? You’ll come up with phrases that begin with “Never have I ever…” and get an opportunity to see your family member act out their experience. We know of a […]