Which Emoji Am I?

Emoticons or emojis are great ways to show how we are feeling when we send messages. These emojis many times can reflect actual human facial expressions if we try to imitate them. Which facial expressions do you use when you are confused, really excited, annoyed, or unsure of something? Facial expressions are also a form of non-verbal communication if you know how to read them. Can your family members guess which emoji you’re imitating?

Never Have I Ever…

In this activity, you and your family will think about things you’ve never experienced. Think about things that you have never done, but someone in your family might have done. For example, has someone in your family been stung by a bee while you have not? You’ll come up with phrases that begin with “Never have I ever…” and get an opportunity to see your family member act out their experience. We know of a […]