Posted on March 29, 2020
This is a chance to get creative, keep an open mind, and connect through shared imagination. In this activity, drawing is about the journey, not the destination.
Category: Activities for Families, Activity Tags: collaboration, creativity, group think, imagination, planning, social awareness
Posted on March 28, 2020
If hours of television have been melting your brain, this activity can help you get it running again. You’ll take the famous characters and celebrities you’ve seen in videos and make them a part of a guessing game. During each round of the game, one person will know the name or identity of the character, and the other person has to guess who it is by asking “yes” or “no” questions. How many questions do […]
Category: Activities for Families, Activity Tags: cognition, critical thinking, guessing game, reasoning, theory of mind
Posted on March 26, 2020
In this activity, you and your family will think about things you’ve never experienced. Think about things that you have never done, but someone in your family might have done. For example, has someone in your family been stung by a bee while you have not? You’ll come up with phrases that begin with “Never have I ever…” and get an opportunity to see your family member act out their experience. We know of a […]
Category: Activities for Families, Activity Tags: emotion expression, empathy, optimism, pretend
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