Today’s Digital Citizens™

Society has witnessed massive changes in the way media and technology impacts the way we live. Technology is more mobile, more functional, and seemingly indispensable. We’ve integrated media and technology into more of our lives, bringing devices with us everywhere and depending on them for school, work, and social functions. Beyond the usual dynamics of friends and peer groups, the wider world also now plays a consequential role in young people’s digital lives. The current media context, fake news concerns, political polarization, and activism around urgent public issues involve a dynamic digital component. The tone and context of young people’s social media posts can mislead, intimidate, or dissuade. But there are also positive opportunities for young people when it comes to voice, dialogue, and civic engagement.

In response, Youth Speak Out International (YSO INT) has implemented a program for children and teens to address the changing digital landscape. We recognize that having a voice and connecting with others online requires an evolving set of skills and supports. What do children need in order to be a positive influence while connecting online? How can children and teens use social media responsibly, disagree in healthy ways, and promote collaboration instead of division? Families and afterschool practitioners can find extension activities that explore these questions and more here.

Student Created Videos


“The Digital Citizenship Family Agreement was a game changer in my house!  It opened communication between my son and me in ways beyond the digital world.  He has become more honest with me, and I have become more understanding and calm with him.   We talk openly about what is appropriate, what is not and why.  Suddenly, we can rely on each other to get curious (not furious) in situations which has strengthened our relationship so much!” Parent of Elementary School Student, Palm Bch County, Florida, USA

“Your program taught me how to be safe while connecting with my friends online and how to post positive messages on my social media accounts.” Middle School Student, (14 years old) West Palm Bch, Florida, USA

“Your program helped my students understand how cyberbullying is a real problem, and you gave them ways to stay safe while using their devices.” After School Director, Jupiter, Florida, USA

Our Aim

The overarching mission of YSO INT is to help children and teens speak out about issues that matter to them, engage in meaningful dialogue with others, and form social connections characterized by a shared sense of humanity. In our existing digitally-focused programs, Today’s Technology & Communications and Unplug to Connect, YSO INT has tackled media literacy, cyber bullying, and the challenge of excess screen time. 

Our most recent program, Today’s Digital Citizens (TDC) helps children and teens become culturally competent as they communicate online using empathy, responsibility, and relationship skills.  

Why Now?

Remote learning has led to an exponential increase in the amount of time children and youth spend using screen devices. The continued necessity to social distancing means that many past strategies for reducing screen time no longer make sense. Often, children must interact online in order to participate fully in class and stay connected with friends and family members. At the same time, parents working from home, while physically present for longer hours, are also spending more time using screen devices out of necessity. The irony is that more time together at home may involve less time for families to connect face-to-face. 

While YSO INT addresses the need for quality face-to-face connection through other programs (e.g., Unplug to Connect), Today’s Digital Citizens addresses the need for meaningful, healthy digital citizenship. 

About Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship covers a variety of issues, including equitable access to technology, social networking, communication, media literacy, safety, and screen addiction (Ribble et al., 2004). Of special concern in 2022 is digital communication. In its simplest form, good online communication means knowing what phrases and methods are most appropriate for a given situation. In its more advanced form, it means understanding how others may interpret social media comments, for example, and articulating ideas in ways that further the common good.

The role digital technologies are playing in education is shifting from a focus on online protection towards a more balanced approach that helps support youth participation online in critical, effective, and responsible ways. Students must understand how to use personal technology in ways that augment their learning experience, leading to analysis, evaluation, reflection, and enhanced skills of expression. Today’s students can be expected to continue actively engaging and expressing their voices in this digital landscape; we must therefore endeavor to provide the education that will empower them to become culturally competent and media literate responsible digital global citizens (Walters et al., 2019).

About Today’s Digital Citizens

Today’s Digital Citizens™ (TDC) is an innovative, direct service S.T.E.A.M program that helps students build their media literacy and interpersonal communication skills as they become proficient digital citizens. Students discuss age-related digital citizenship topics such as: digital literacy, media literacy, privacy and reputation, online security, safety, cyberbullying, and mental well-being. TDC promotes wellbeing and life skills as students practice and become proficient with the skills of emotional management, empathy, teamwork, responsibility, problem solving. and taking initiative. Students learn to write scripts and create storyboards as they produce self-directed Public Service Announcements that educate the community on the need to become proficient digital citizens.        

Digital Citizenship Agreements

 To help create proficient digital citizens, students and their family members may review and sign the Digital Citizenship Agreements below. 

Click on the links to download or print

Children’s Agreement

Youth’s Agreement


Ribble, M. S., Bailey, G. D., & Ross, T. W. (2004). Digital Citizenship: Addressing Appropriate Technology Behavior. Learning & Leading with Technology, 32(1). Available at:

Walters, M.G., Gee, D., & Mohammed, S. (2019). A literature review: Digital citizenship and the elementary educator. International Journal of Technology in Education (IJTE), 2(1), 1-21.  Available at:

Today’s Digital Citizens is made possible with support from Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc., which receives significant funding for its overall operations
from the Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Youth Services Department provides support for
Prime Time’s Middle School Out-of-School Time Initiative.

Youth Speak Out International is proud to be an Extended Learning Opportunity Provider.