Ten Things About…

Knowing information about our family members (such as their experiences, childhood activities, favorite foods, or the most memorable places they’ve visited) can impact what we take interest in as we grow and develop. One of your family members could have been face-to-face with an angry, wild animal and didn’t know what to do! This activity will allow you to gather this interesting information and hold great conversations with your family.

Walk a Mile in my Shoes

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to switch roles with your family members? Children become the parents/guardians or the other way around? What is mom like when you’re trying to communicate with her but she is on a screen device? What if the child didn’t complete tasks after being asked multiple times by an adult because they were glued to their technology? This activity is an interactive way to see what is like to be in the shoes of someone else.

Make a Family Photo Journal

Plan and create experiences together that you and your family will want to remember, capture photos, and create a log of your family time.

Family Scavenger Hunt

One indoor activity that will always keep you and your family engaged is a classic scavenger hunt. Participants in a scavenger hunt search and collect a number of items.

Unplugged Stories: Make Your Own Mad Libs

Mad Libs is an exciting word replacement activity. This is a great way for families to get creative using specific words in part of a song or story.