Breaking It Down: Today’s Digital Citizens Week Six

Breaking It Down is a blog series where we break down Youth Speak Out International’s curriculums week-by-week, exploring the major concepts and activities. This post looks at the lesson for Week Six.

After following along with our students for six weeks, we have finally arrived at the final session of the Today’s Digital Citizens curriculum. Across these classes, our students have learned about what it means to be a good digital citizen while creating Public Service Announcements (PSAs) with real life examples. Students wrote, directed, and acted in these PSAs, learning to use storyboards, film on iPads, and work as a team. Now, they’re at the final stage: presenting their projects to the public. 

In Week Five, the facilitator worked with the students to prepare them for public speaking. The facilitator taught the students  how to stand and speak with confidence and clarity. Now, they will put those skills to use by showing their video and answering questions from classmates and staff. 

The final presentation is a perfect opportunity for students to showcase what they’ve learned from the Today’s Digital Citizens curriculum. Over the course of six weeks, they’ve covered a lot of ground– from media literacy to cyberbullying to monitoring your digital footprint to spending too much time on your devices. In addition to answering questions verbally, students fill out a written post-program survey that allows Youth Speak Out to gather information about how much the students learned.

In this final week, we hope that students and staff can see how much everyone has grown and learned. We hope that the program gave them something that they can share with their families and friends and that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Most importantly, we hope it encourages our students to continue to ask questions and have meaningful conversations as they navigate the digital world. 

This concludes our Breaking It Down Series. Thank you to Prime Time Palm Beach County for supporting this meaningful work.

Click on the link below to watch one of the student created Digital Citizenship videos.

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