The Importance Of Being Present In A Virtual World

For kids and parents alike, it can be difficult to focus on the present moment when we’re surrounded by devices. This has become even harder during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many of our daily connections are happening online. If you’re working-from-home or attending school virtually, disconnecting from technology is tough. But meaningful connections are still possible.

First, make sure that you’re purposeful in your use of technology, using it as a tool for success rather than distraction. Clinical psychologist Dr. Amelia Aldao says that when you unlock your phone or sit down at your computer, you should be “reminding yourself why you’re there, what are you looking for, what information are you trying to find.” This prevents “doomscrolling,” a habit many have developed during the pandemic that results in a “vicious cycle of negativity” for our mental health.

It’s also important to build in some time away from screens to connect to with the people around you. This could be as simple as playing a board game with your family or talking on the phone with your best friend. Clinical psychologist Dr. Stephanie Lee recommends having an “activity menu” for children that includes non-screen activities such as playing with a pet, reading, and crafts.

Even when you’re stuck behind a computer screen, meaningful connection is possible. You just need to make sure you are using technology purposefully, building in time away from screens, and checking in with the people around you.

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